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What is RIM? The Risk management Initiative in Microfinance (RIM) is an industry-wide platform which contributes to the development of awareness, best practices, and appropriate standards for risk management in microfinance globally. RIM was founded in February 2013 by Appui au Développement Autonome (ADA), Calmeadow, Center for Financial Inclusion at Accion (CFI), Mennonite Economic Development […]

Strategic Plan

Pillar #1: Awareness Building The goal of the awareness building pillar is to continue to raise the level of awareness of the importance of the role which risk management plays within financial institutions. Pillar #2: Industry Collaboration The goal of the industry collaboration pillar is to facilitate sharing of experiences, best practices, and lessons learned […]

Theory of Change

To experience lasting change within microfinance risk management, certain steps need to be taken. RIM aims to raise the bar in microfinance risk management and foster a socially-focused microfinance sector where clients are protected from the impacts of internal and external risks. To achieve this, the following should be addressed: MFIs at all tier levels are provided […]

Mission and Vision

Mission To facilitate knowledge transfer through awareness building, industry collaboration, and the global adoption and implementation of appropriate risk management standards throughout the microfinance sector. Vision A socially-focused microfinance sector through which clients are protected from the impacts of internal and external risks inherent to the delivery of inclusive financial services.

Value Proposition

RIM’s collaborative model provides the option for the best practices, creation of higher standards and global promotion of microfinance risk management. This collaborative approach provides the following: A unique mix of founding members (thought leadership to technical implementers) Wide reaching networks (through MIV investment portfolios, existing TA program, etc.) Years of knowledge build up and lessons learned […]


Who can apply? Membership is open to individuals and organizations committed to RIM’s mission and interested in implementing, promoting, or advocating for appropriate risk management in the microfinance industry. Interested parties may include: Consultants Consulting firms Investors Technical assistance facilities Regulators National microfinance networks International microfinance networks Microfinance holding companies Microfinance rating agencies Universities Commercial […]

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